Tuesday, December 30, 2008

She can walk!

Just kidding! Here is Bridget trying out her first pair of tennis shoes.

Lexi and Santa

I don't know why I didn't think to get a picture of both girls with Santa. :( Maybe next year.

Snow Day!

Shane plowed the driveway while Lexi played outside in the snow.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Here are Christmas pictures that I took of the girls.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Bridget vs. Teddy

Here is how Bridget compares to her teddy bear. haha!

Bridget still gets up every 2 hours around the clock and on rare occasion sleeps for 3 hours. It is tiring but seeing her little face at 3am makes up for it. She is awake more during the day and likes to stare at the Christmas tree and any light that is nearby. We went to the eye doctor on Tuesday and found out she has a congenital cataract in her left eye. I was worried that she would see a blurry spot but the doctor said that she will see just fine (no blurry spots). He also said that some people don't even know they have them. Her spot is less than a millimeter and shouldn't grow or multiply. I still worry about it though. We go back in a month to have it checked again.

Cookie Day!

Today, we went over to the Erickson's to bake cookies. Papa Ted held Bridget while we were mixing up the dough.

Lexi helped put sprinkles on the cookies.

I made cookies called Sandies. They were pretty easy to make (the recipe uses 2 sticks of butter!) although I couldn't get them to bake completely - even after 30 minutes in the oven. I'm definitely not a baker. :) Here is the dough...yummy!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

First Bath and First Thanksgiving

We gave Bridget her first bath - she didn't like that at all!

Lexi and Bridget -

Bridget in her Thanksgiving outfit. I didn't get any other Thanksgiving pictures - two kids are a lot of work!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Night Shift

I'm on the night shift tonight. So far so good. Bridget is eating more. She is up to 2 oz. every 2 1/2 hours. The nurse weighed her and she is now 6 lbs. 1 oz. The nurse said that the spot in Bridget's eye might go away but I'll ask the Dr. at her appointment on Wednesday. Today, I plan on visiting my grandma in Buffalo and running to Target for more baby supplies. We haven't been going anywhere because it has been so cold outside and I'm getting a little stir crazy. I think I'm getting addicted to daytime T.V. Who knew there were so many court shows!

Lexi went and saw her friends at daycare on Wednesday. She said that we were boring. :) I want to get back into crocheting Lexi's afghan so that it is done by Christmas...maybe even Thanksgiving. It's sitting right in front of me most of the time - I just have to find the motivation to pick it up again.

Shane's hunting report: Lots of ducks, 0 deer, pheasant hunting on Tuesday.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Baby Update

Our first night home was pretty rough. Bridget wanted to stay up after every feeding...we did not! lol! She eats every two hours or so and sleeps a lot during the day. I try to keep her awake more during the day but she has other plans. This is what she is up to right now:

There is a home health nurse coming to check her out today. She will weigh her and make sure we are doing alright. I have to ask her about a spot that is on Bridget's pupil. I'm hoping this is just something that will heal on its own as her eyes develop. It doesn't seem to bother her, she is very attentive and she's not rubbing her eye.

I'll post again later with Bridget's current stats.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Baby Bridget Has Arrived!

Thursday, November 13, 2008 - 6lbs. 4.7oz., 19 inches

At around 11:30p.m. on Wednesday I had one really painful contraction. I got up and got some water, went to the bathroom and then went back to bed since it seemed like it was only one contraction. I woke up about 15 minutes later and the pain was still there so I thought something was up. I called Labor and Delivery to ask about how I was feeling and if I should come in. Amy (a friend who works in L&D) said to definitely come in and get monitored. I called Shane and told him that I was going in and he said he would meet me at the hospital. I ended up calling him on the way there and he said that he was trying to make it home as fast as he could (he ended up just 5 minutes away from our house and I was close enough to turn around and wait for him). He got home and said "I'll drive." I told him to just get in the truck so we could go. lol! Lexi was so good. I told her that Mommy was going to go see the Dr. and asked her to help me get her socks and shoes on. She walked out to the truck and as soon as I put her into her booster chair she was zonked out again. We met my mom at the hospital and she took Lexi home with her.

We got to the hospital and I got checked. I was 6 cm dilated and the contractions were coming every 2 minutes. I was hooked up to an IV and an epi at 1:30a. They broke my water at 2:45a. My Dr. said that he was going to go home and get some rest since the epi slowed the contractions down and I wasn't dilating past 6 cm. Shane turned on the T.V. and started to watch Married with Children but he soon fell alseep in the chair and left me to watch three hours of Married with Children - we couldn't find the remote and I wasn't going anywhere. My epi worked really well in my left leg but not so much in my right leg so I gave the epi clicker a click and sure enough both legs were numb in no time. I wasn't really worried about my right leg since I couldn't feel anything from my abdomen down through my pelvis. They started Pitocin around 6a.m. I was dilated to 7 cm but still not progressing very fast. The contractions I had had earlier were pretty much painless, more pressure than pain. These new contractions felt a lot more like bad period cramps so I knew something had to be changing. The nurse's shift ended at 7a and a new nurse came on. She checked me once and my cervix was getting softer and she upped the Pitocin. At 7:30a.m. Shane was going to go outside to have a smoke but the nurse told him to wait until she checked me. She checked and said to Shane, "You are not going anywhere!" Then she ran out the door and called to a nurse to get the Dr. Now! There was another OB Dr. in L&D (luckily she was there - it was her day off) who came in just to make sure that I was okay before my Dr. arrived. Sure enough she took one look and put a gown and gloves on...this baby was coming out! Three pushes later and Bridget McKenzie was born. Then my Dr. arrived. He was disappointed that he missed the birth (blew through a stop sign and everything to get to the hospital).

When I was being discharged the OB on duty (the third OB Doc to see me) came in and started talking about check-up visits to Dr. Minke and about the taking care of the incision...I'm like - Bridget was a vaginal delivery. He goes "Oh my, you are the only vaginal delivery in L&D right now. I'll have to look at your chart...blah blah" There were at least 5 other babies in the nursery. I was amazed that I was the only one who didn't have a c-section.

Bridget is eating like a champion. She looks just like Lexi did when she was born - only a little smaller. She was 5lbs. 15oz. when we left the hospital. Lexi is the best big sister and really helps out when I need something. She's held Bridget everyday and coos to her and tells her secrets. lol!

Here are some pictures. The first picture is my sister and my niece Kate.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pumpkin Carving!

We weren't sure we were going to get to carving our pumpkins this year but Lexi and I tackled them tonight. Here are our works of art! Lexi's is on the right.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

My First Blog!

Here it is, my first blog! I created this blog to share what our family has been up to and show some of the projects I have been working on. I have been working back at the lawfirm in Minneapolis and crocheting up a storm. And, as many of you know, I'm expecting - just 5 weeks to go! Bridget is debuting around November 29th. Shane finished our deck this summer and has been out to the golfcourse a few times (not as much as he would like though). Lexi is keeping busy by coloring, playing on the computer, destroying her bedroom... :) She is really into art and dance. She wakes up every morning and asks us if today is the day she goes to dance. She has really come a long way in dance and gymnastics (the class is half dance, half gymnastics) - this year she is actually listening to the teacher.

This is my belly at 35 weeks (not the best picture but I took it with my cellphone).

On to some crochet projects! The puff stitch blocks afghan was the first project I crocheted and I just finished it this fall - I started it over 2 1/2 years ago! Sewing blocks together isn't much fun! The blue ripple afghan was donated to the United Way fundraiser at work.

These are two projects I completed for the baby. One is a jumper/sleeper blanket (my own pattern!) and a bobble afghan. The bobbles go from really big to smaller at the top. And then a picture of Lexi and Joey showing off the afghan...such a ham!

Here is a hat that I made Lexi out of my stash. I have just enough left to make her a matching scarf.

This is an afghan that I started on our vacation up north this past June. I started making the little squares and then just decided to do one big square. It was a lot easier to just keep crocheting the big square and not have so many ends to weave in when it was done.

I'm currently working on an afghan for Lexi (although she seems to think that everything I make is for her!). This is called the sideways stitch (or crazy stitch or brick stitch...a stitch from 1899!). I found it in the 365 Perpetual Calendar of Crochet Stitches book. I plan on crocheting some butterflies to put on the alternating stripes and then crochet a loopy edge around...we'll see!

I think that is it for projects for now. I'm going to try to get a couple little things in before Christmas but with the baby coming...I'm not too sure that will happen.