Monday, July 13, 2009

Bridget Gets Baptized!

Bridget's Baptism is tonight at the Marysville - Swedesburg Lutheran Church (part of Zion Lutheran Church). We chose tonight because they have evening services at this church (has no electricity or running water) only during the summer - and Bridget turns 8 months old today! She is really growing up fast! For the Baptism Bridget will be wearing the gown that both Lexi and I wore for Baptism. Hopefully, the church isn't too hot and humid inside. I think Bridget and Lexi will do fairly well as long as we keep them occupied.

On another note, Shane and I have decided to start eating healthier. Coming up you will see posts about our progress (which seems a little slow at this point but we are trying). We'd like to eat more vegetables and fruits and less processed food. So, here goes - today for lunch I had a leftover bakery hot dog bun with cheese and tomatoes and light mayo, some carrots and a handful of cherries.

It was actually a pretty filling lunch. The bigger bakery bun was really yummy (I put the buns in the freezer after a grill-night and thawed some of them out in the microwave last night). I wasn't sure about how they would taste after being thawed out and was surprised that they tasted as fresh as the day we grilled.

Stay tuned for more posts - I have a TON of pictures to upload!

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